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Our Programs

ALOHA Mental Arithmetic program has two itineraries:

Tiny Tots (5 to 7 years)

Mental Arithmetic (8 to 14 years)

Aloha Tiny Tots

(5 to 7 years)

Aloha tiny tots

Aloha Mental Arithmetic

(8 to 14 years)

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Aloha Tiny Tots

ALOHA Tiny Tots (5 to 7 years)

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Tiny Tots – Junior Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Program

Nothing succeeds like success.


To achieve success, your kids need special skills and they need to start early. They have to learn rapidly and happily so that they are winners at every stage of their development.


This is where ‘Aloha Tiny Tots’ comes in. An integrated program developed specially for kids in the 4 to 6 age span, Tiny Tots is backed by a sound concept that is proved to be successful in various countries worldwide.


Tiny tots moulds and motivates tender minds by developing a framework to impart effective learning techniques and to initiate them into the exciting world of numbers and letters.


Interestingly, the children comprehend what they learn and develop with amazing abilities to retain and recall at will.

Aloha Tiny Tots: Benefits at a glance

An ideal learning tool for Kindergarden children to identify texts & numbers, and handle simple arithmetic calculations.

  • Enriches their brainpower by using it in their early years.

  • Imparts high moral values to kids through stories and colourfully illustrated texts.

  • Uses a specially designed abacus for easy use.

  • Uses enough teaching tools and accessories to make classroom sessions most lively.

  • Develops ability to handle multiple-digits with confidence using the abacus or the regular school method.

  • Creates a natural liking for arithmetic in kids.

  • Improves concentration skills for a more focused learning.

  • Kindles creative thinking and ability to use the left and right side of brain.

  • Based on a global concept but tailor-made for Indian kids.

  • Provides option of learning at regular school as a part of school curriculum.

  • Course material and teaching accessories developed by Aloha research team.

  • Provision for providing training to school teachers on concept, teaching methods and principles of child psychology.

  • Well Trained Teachers.

  • Small Batches for individual attention.

Course Structure
  • Course consists of 10 levels, each with a 3- month duration

  • 1 class per week of 2 hours duration each

  • Performance evaluation is carried out at the end of each level.



Certificates are given after successful completion of

  • 2nd level as BASICS in TINY TOTS

  • 4th level as GRADUATES in TINY TOTS

  • 7th level as MASTERS in TINY TOTS

  • 10th level as GRAND MASTERS in TINY TOTS

Tiny Tots

Aloha Mental Arithmetic

ALOHA Tiny Tots (8 to 14 years)

The Concept

Hard to believe, but True.


Before we start to explain the concept, we would just like to ask you a few questions in arithmetic.


Ah! Ha, heading for some tool to help you solve this? What did you pick up? A pen and paper, a calculator or have you switched on your computer?

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Now! If we tell you that you can solve these sums without the help of any external aid you would most probably laugh at us and say this is impossible or take a long time doing it.


Can you imagine these same sums that have baffled you being solved by a Eight year old child in just 8 seconds flat and that too without using any of the external aids mentioned above. Hard to believe but true.


That is what we are into? Whole Brain Development using Mental Arithmetic as a medium and an ABACUS as a tool.


ALOHA is a whole brain development company. 

Is whole brain development possible?

Generally human beings use only 2-3% of their brainpower during their life span.


That means that more than 97% of the brain remains unutilized; which in turn means that there is a potential for development; and of, course development is possible since there is potential.


How is it Possible?

You would agree with us that the more you use your organs/parts of the body, the more it responds, thereby becoming

more efficient.


For example :

If you were to start jogging, it would be most probable that you would be able to run a kilometer, but if you were to jog regularly for two years, you could increase this to 15 kilometers per day.


We can conclude that when we exercise any body part, its efficiency increases. This fact applies to our brain as well.


In short, Mental Arithmetic + Practice = Brain Development.


Why Mental Arithmetic?

Why is only mental arithmetic the best-suited medium for brain development?


Mental arithmetic is an age-old technique; it has been widely stated that the best exercise for the development of the brain is arithmetic, and hence mental arithmetic. This technique has been accepted the world over and is actively being used in over 37 countries around the globe.


It has also been observed that when children have to do quick mental calculations using the Aloha methodology, they need to use their imagination, memory, analysis, logic, creativity, listening skills, vision etc.; this results in both parts of their brain being exercised, thereby increasing the co-ordination between them.


Thus, when the mind gets constant exercise, the mental power of the child gets a boost. Just like the equipment at the gym is a medium for bodybuilding. so also for brain development, mental arithmetic is a proven medium.


ALOHA is not a class for teaching mental arithmetic; its aim is to bring around complete brain development. Mental math is an added advantage garnered through the whole exercise. Initially, Mental Arithmetic is taught with the help of an ABACUS.

What is an ABACUS?

Abacus is a tool invented by the Salamis, then labelled by Mesopotamians, improved as a mathematical tool by the Greek scholar Tetramachus, and used in China for more than 2000 years as a mathematical tool. Abacus is termed the father of computers.


Abacus is being used in our curriculum for learning the basics of mental arithmetic, developing the right and left brain and increasing their coordination.


ALOHA Mental Arithmetic is a form of training which enhances a child’s ability to calculate without the aid of any instrument, such as paper, pen, calculator or abacus. The child will be able to calculate with speed and accuracy using his/her own mental power. ALOHA Mental Arithmetic is fun-filled learning.

What is ALOHA’s Contribution?

ALOHA is a mental development program based on mental arithmetic system. It starts with the use of an abacus and soon the child learns to calculate mentally without a physical abacus. This training enhances a child’s ability to calculate without the aid of any instrument, such as a calculator, abacus etc. The child will be able to calculate with speed and accuracy using his own mental power and can surpass the speed of even a calculator.


The syllabus, which is finely structured, is prepared by ALOHA Curriculum Development Department (Malaysia). Children who undergo ALOHA arithmetic training will have several positive benefits. Some of these are:

  • Greater concentration

  • Keen Listening skills

  • Better reflexes

  • Better application skills

  • Improved analytical skills

  • Better creative and imaginative skills

  • Improved reading writing and learning skills

  • Better Memory

  • Sharper observation

  • Self – confidence

  • Better comprehension and calculation skills

Course Information

Children of the age group 6 – 14 are eligible to join our course. The ALOHA Mental Arithmetic course is divided into 8 levels. Each level lasts for 3 months, during which time the children will have to attend 12 sessions. Teaching sessions are conducted once a week for 2 hours.


After successful completion of the assessment at every level, the child goes to the next level. Performance evaluation is carried out at the end of each level. Certificates are given after successful completion of





To further highlight the ability of students, every year Aloha India conducts National Level Abacus and Mental Arithmetic competitions for students from all the centers in India.


The toppers of this competition are sponsored by the company to represent India in the International Abacus and Mental Arithmetic competition conducted every year, where children trained by us will compete with brains from all over the world.

Aloha Mental Arithmetic

Program FAQs

  • Why ALOHA chose math for mental development?
    Because the numbers 0 to 9 are international and are taught the same way all over the world. Furthermore, the numbers relate to everyday life and thus, the practice develops the brain by visualizing the abacus.
  • Does the program help children get better grades in school?
    The ALOHA Mental Arithmetic programme is based on the visualization and conceptualization. This means that children learn to visualize the problems and tasks in the from of images. This leads to improved understanding, increased memory and analytical skills acquisition, which have an overal positive effect on school performance.
  • How much should children practice?
    In addition to the two hours per week of class, the child should practice at home ALOHA Mental Arithmetic for 5-10 minutes a day to make a better advantage of the program.
  • What's the right age to start this programme?
    The minimum age to start the program is 5 years and the maximum is 13. Several scientific studies have shown that the period in which the greater brain development occurs is between 0 and 16 years approximately.
  • Why at the age of 5?
    Because at this age children know how to read, write and they also understand the meaning of numbers from 0 to 9.
  • If a child is a good student at mathematics, would the programme still benefit him?
    The ALOHA Mental Arithmetic program is open to all children regardless of their academic level or qualifications in certain school subjects. Through the program children improve in the subject of mathematics, but also experience a significant improvement in the subjects through the development of right hemisphere (memory, concentration, etc.) A balance between right and left hemisphere is established.
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